Civil Society Forum

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SANAC has 18 very diverse civil society sectors and these represent specific sections of society. A sector is defined as a “group of organisations that democratically represents a defined constituency and is appropriately representative around a common theme aligned to the over-arching subject of strategy for HIV, TB and STIs”. All the 18 sectors represented at SANAC have a role to play in the response to HIV/AIDS, TB, STIs and each has a plan aimed at dealing with these conditions in line with South Africa’s National Strategic Plan for HIV, TB and STIs. Below is a list of the sectors, information about their leadership and their respective plans.

List of the 18 SANAC Civil Society Forum Sectors

1. People Living with HIV and AIDS (PLHIV)

2. Sex Workers

3. Faith

4. Higher Education

5. Sport, Arts & Culture

6. Labour

7. Research

8. Law & Human Rights

9. Youth

10. Men

11. Women

12. Non-Governmental Organisations

13. Traditional Leaders

14. Traditional Health Practitioners

15. Health Professionals

16. People with Disabilities

17. Children

18. LGBTIQ+ (Lesbians, Gays, Bi-sexuals, Trans-gender, Intersex, Queer & gender non-conforming people)


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