What is the CCM?
At the country level, the South Africa Country Coordination Mechanism (CCM) is a partnership composed of all key stakeholders in the country’s response to HIV and Tuberculosis. The CCM does not handle GF financing itself, but is responsible for submitting proposals to the GF based on priority needs at the national level, and nominating the entities accountable for the PRs. After grant approval, the CCM oversees progress during implementation.
Request for Proposals (RFPs)
Bid CCM/PR/2024-01 – Call for Application for the Provision of Principal Recipient Services for The Global Fund in South Africa (Civil Society Organisations)
Closing date: 22 July 2024 at 00h00
The Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) for the Global Fund in South Africa is a multi-sectoral structure responsible for developing and submitting grant proposals to the Global Fund based on the programme and funding gap analysis for the National Strategic Plan to fight HIV/AIDS, TB and STIs in South Africa. Nominating the Principal Recipient(PRs) for implementation of the Global Fund grant in South Africa is also a key responsibility of the CCM.
To this end, the CCM is inviting applications from competent civil society organizations to oversee the implementation of comprehensive HIV, TB, and STI programs in specific districts and sub-districts across the nine provinces. The CCM will select three (3) organizations to serve as PRs for the grant period 1 April 2025 – 31 March 2028. The successful PRs will sign grant agreements with the Global Fund, contract with Sub-Recipients (SRs), manage the implementation of grant priorities under the guidance of the Global Fund CCM, report progress to the Global Fund CCM and the Global Fund, and maintain relationships with key stakeholders.
For more information and to access the application form, please visit https://sanac.org.za/global-fund-ccm/
Non-compulsory hybrid briefing session (08 July 2024) 10h00-13h00: SANAC Office – Second Floor, Block E, Hatfield Gardens, 333 Grosvenor St, Hatfield, Pretoria
Non- Compulsory Briefing Session (08 July 2024) 10h00-13h00: MS Teams: Meeting ID: 373 610 053 804 Passcode: PPLiX7
Access FULL advert, Application form and additional documents on the SANAC website:
For Application: to CCM South Africa: gfapplications2024@sanac.org.za
For Enquiries: to CCM Secretariat: gfenquiries2024@sanac.org.za
Applicants for Publishing _ 24 July 2024
PR Selection Manual
PR Application Form
Annex 1 – PR Selection Options
Annex 2 – Procedure for continuation
Annex 3 – Pre-qualification requirement check
Annex 8 – PR Selection Procedure for open or close tender
Annex 11 – Appeals Procedure Map
CCM Announcements
Participate: Global Fund Grant Cycle 7 Consultation
In December 2022, the Global Fund allocated South Africa an additional $536,040,497 (R8 billion) for HIV and TB programs to be implemented from April 2025 to March 2028. To access this funding, the South African Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) is developing a funding request to the Global Fund, due on 09 September 2024. It is important that the funding request be strategically focused and technically sound. It must be aligned to the National Strategic Plan on HIV, TB and STIs, and reflect the issues and priorities of South Africans in their diversity. This survey invites you to engage in shaping the broad funding priorities, which will inform more in-depth discussions at constituency consultations in Feb-March. The survey should take about 20-25 minutes to complete. The deadline to complete the survey is 31 March 2024.
Participate: Global Fund Grant Cycle 7 consultation
The CCM deeply appreciates and greatly values your contributions to this national initiative of ending HIV and TB
Let our actions count!
Announcement of SA Global Fund Principal Recipients to implement the 2019-2022 grant
On 9 October 2018, the South Africa Global Fund Country Coordinating Mechanism (SA GF CCM) endorsed Principal Recipients (PRs) to implement the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria request for funding that will cover the April 2019 – March 2022 period.
The Principal Recipients (PRs) are:
For HIV, the request focuses on delivering comprehensive and integrated service packages for key and vulnerable populations, including adolescent girls and young women, sex workers, men who have sex with men, transgender people and people who inject drugs. For TB, the investment is geared towards finding the missing people with TB, supporting the National Department of Health’s quality improvement plan. To ensure that these disease programs are implemented effectively and efficiently, supporting investments are requested to remove gender- and human rights-related barriers to access, and strengthen the country’s procurement and supply chain, health information systems, and community-led responses.
The investment is expected to contribute towards the achievement of targets in South Africa’s National Strategic Plan for HIV, TB and STIs 2017-2022.
CCM Structure
The GF CCM oversees grant implementation as mandated by GF requirements. Oversight entails a coordinated set of activities focused on gathering and analysing information, taking action, and communicating progress/bottlenecks. It addresses the ‘big picture’ of whether the grant is achieving its goals. It is designed to ensure:
- grant activities are implemented as planned;
- accountability of funds and value for money;
- implementation issues and bottlenecks are identified and resolved; and
- Support required by PRs is appropriately provided.
The Oversight Committee is responsible for providing oversight to existing Global Fund grants in South Africa in three key
- Financial – ensuring the appropriate, timely and effective use of Global Fund resources;
- Management – ensuring the timely and effective implementation of PR and SR workplans; and
- Programmatic – ensuring the achievement of intended results in both the short and intermediate term periods.
An ethics sub-committee is appointed by the GF CCM to review all grievances relating to areas where a sanction may be necessary or clarity on any potential conflicts of interest. The members of this sub-committee will be chosen by the full GF CCM and report to the GF CCM chairperson and co-chairperson. The sub-committee meets between GF CCM meetings as needed.
In regard to conflicts of interest, the aim is to have a committee that will investigate grievances of this nature, and to enable members to clarify whether a conflict of interest exists in a particular situation or not. The committee will provide guidance on what action should be taken when conflicts of interest occur. The committee will also improve the knowledge, understanding and practise of managing conflicts of interest in the GF CCM and other structures.
SA Global Fund CCM Membership List
No. | Sector | CCM Position | Name | Surname | Sex | Full time Position |
1 | SANAC | Main Member | Thembisile | Xulu | F | SANAC CEO |
3. | CSF | Main Member | Mulalo | Murudi | F | COSATU: HIV/AIDS Health and Safety Coordinator |
4 | LGBTI | Main Member | Leigh Anne | Van Der Merwe | M | Social, Health and Empowerment Feminist Collective of Transgender Women of Africa |
6 | CSF | Main Member | Hlahla | Lekalakala | M | NGO Secror |
7 | Alternate | Paul | Hlanguza | M | Disability Sector | |
8 | Main Member | Beau | Nkaelang | M | Men’s sector provincial Chairperson NCCSF Provincial Chairperson |
9 | Alternate | Oupa | Shumeni | M | THE HEALING HANDS | |
10 | AYP & Women | Main Member | VACANT | VACANT | VACANT | VACANT |
11 | Alternate | VACANT | VACANT | VACANT | VACANT | |
12 | Sex Worker Sector Representative | Main Member | Nadia Gubangxa | Vacant | F | Finance and Operations Manager ( SWEAT) |
13 | Alternate | Katlego | Rasebitse | M | Advocacy and Media Liaison Officer Sex Workers Education & Advocacy Taskforce |
14 | People Living with HIV Sector Representatives | Main Member | Rev. Sandile | Ngiba | M | South African Network of Religious Leaders Living with or Personally Affected by HIV & AIDS |
15 | Alternate | Neliswa | Nkwali | F | Treatment Action Campaign | |
16 | TB Representatives | Main Member | Ntswaki | Mosia | M | National Association for People Living with HIV and AIDS (NAPWA) |
17 | Alternate | David | Macana | M | Excellent2030 | |
18 | People who inject drug/ people who use drugs | Main Member | Klaas | Mtshweni | M | Skills & Sector Coordinator ( SANPUD) |
19 | Alternate | Reginal | Kgoedi | M | SANPUD | |
20 | Department of Health | Main Member | Barry | Kistnasamy | M | Chief Director |
21 | Alternate | Donald | Demana | M | Chief Director – Global Fund Cluster | |
22 | Department of Social Development | Main Member | Nkere | Skosana | M | Chief Director-HIV/AIDS |
24 | Department of Basic Education | Main Member | Muzi | Ndlovu | M | Director: Health Directorate |
25 | Alternate Member | Likho | Bottoman | M | Director: Social Cohesion and Equity in Education | |
26 | National Treasury | Main Member | Pebetse | Maleka | F | Deputy Director: Public Finance |
29 | Alternate Member | Nolundi | Mfecane | F | GP Head of Secretariat | |
30 | Main Member | Constance | Raphahlelo | F | LP Head of Secretariat | |
31 | Alternate Member | VACANT | VACANT | VACANT | VACANT | |
32 | Main Member | Elphas | Nkosi | M | MP Head of Secretariat | |
33 | Alternate Member | Margaret | Mokgothu | F | NW Head of Secretariat | |
34 | Private Sector | Main Member | Dr Kanyile | Baloyi | M | |
35 | Alternate Member | Dr Charles | Mbekeni | M | Lead Health – Southern Africa ( Anglo- American) | |
36 | Development Partners | Main Member | Eva | Kiwango | F | UNAIDS Country Director |
38 | USG | Main Member | Masilo | Marumo | M | PEPFAR Coordination Office |
39 | Alternate Member | Vincent | Zishiri | M | Coordination Office | |
40 | European Union | Main Member | Thomas | Mourez | M | Regional Counsellor for Global Health, Southern Africa |
41 | Alternate Member | VACANT | VACANT | VACANT | VACANT |
Principal Recipients
CCM Resources
- CCM For Global Fund in SA Newsletter_Apr-Sept2022_FINAL
- SR Selection Manual_FINAL_signed_ Jan 2022_Web
- Global Fund CCM S.A Newsletter_Sept_FINAL
- PR C19RM2021 ACTIVITY ALLOCATIONS (23 Sept 2021)
- C19RM2021_Award Letter_South Africa_signed
- SA GF Update (Newsletter) June 2021
- SA GF CCM Full Membership List (excel doc)
- NACOSA: Request for Proposal – Global Fund Grants 2019 -2022
- Audit Report : Global Fund SA Grants 2017
- SA Global Fund Governance Manual
- South Africa TB-HIV Concept Note
- CCM Request for HIV Renewal
- SA GF CCM Request for TB Funding
- Call for Nominations TB CCM Member
- GF CCM TB Nomination Form