RFP:SANAC03/02/2018: The Appointment of a service provider to assist with the refinement and improvement of the existing DHIS 2 based Focus for Impact web-application into an intelligence solution

Jul 24, 2018 | Notices

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This notification serves to inform the bidders that the invitation to tender has officially been cancelled, an invitation to tender may be reissued soon.

Tender No: RFP:SANAC03/02/2018
Tender Description: The Appointment of a service provider to assist with the refinement and improvement of the existing DHIS 2 based Focus for Impact web-application into an intelligence solution
Date Issued: 08 April 2018
Publication: Mail & Guardian, The Star
Reason for cancellation Change in business operation

SANAC Trust would like to apologise to all the bidders who had shown their interest in these bids, for any inconvenience this may have caused. An Invitation to tender may be re-issued soon. For an inquiries regarding this cancellation bidder can call 0127481009 or email beullah@sanac.org.za