From 6 to10 June 2022 – the SANAC Civil Society Forum held a refresher training for coordinators and mobilisers who are part of the “Communities in Partnership for Human Rights” and the “Communities Matter” programmes implemented by the CSF, funded by the European Union and Global Fund.
Over 50 participants, from 5 provinces, where the programmes are implemented, attended the training which deep-dived into the definitions of human rights violations, including gender and equality, sexual and gender based violence, diversity and sexual and reproductive justice as well as the Covid-19 Prevention strategies.
The training also looked at the role of civil society in districts, legal guidance on following up of cases, the role of Chapter 9 institutions as well as the communications plans to be implemented throughout the programmes as outlined in the EU communications and visibility plan. A preview of the “Communities Matter App”, for documenting human rights violations, was presented to the participants so that they get a sense of its look and feel, as it is currently under construction.
The overall goal of these programmes is to strengthen community-led responses to mitigate the socio – economic impact of COVID-19 on human rights and gender equality, including inequality and discrimination based on sex, gender and gender identity and expression of key and vulnerable populations.
This is done through building and enhancing capacity of CSOs, CBOs and networks staff, in particular the ones of the subgrantees, by proving Human Rights trainings, tools and support to facilitate community engagements and actions.