The Black Womxn Caucus Celebrates its 5th Anniversary

Jul 30, 2022 | News

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The Black Womxn Caucus recently celebrated its 5th anniversary with SANAC supporting the occasion alongside Soul City, Black Child is Possible, Revolutionary Movement and the South African domestic Workers Union among others. The anniversary was held at the Danie van Zyl Recreation Centre, Newlands, Johannesburg.

Women from the Kathrada Informal Settlement gathered in numbers to support the anniversary and marched through the streets bearing placards highlighting women’s struggles especially gender-based violence. The South African Police Services (SAPS) attended the celebration and said they’ve been supporting the movement by providing protection during their various advocacy activities, including marches.

Ms. Jane Chikwado from the Caucus said during her address, “We have been advocating for survival within our communities with the #BerekaMosadi and the advocacy is slowly paying off as we can see some reduction in cases of gender-based violence in our communities and we believe that the stats will remain low.” Another member of the Caucus, Ms Kgomotso Mwale said, “It has been so empowering to engage both women and men about the importance of ending gender-based violence in the community. We are excited to have expanded the sector by having more branches.

Another member of the Caucus, Ms Kgomotso Mwale said, “It has been so empowering to engage both women and men about the importance of ending gender-based violence in the community. We are excited to have expanded the sector by having more branches opened for the communities over the 5 years in communities of Orange Farm, Soweto, Cosmo City and Tembisa. We are looking forward to engaging other locations and open more branches.”

The occasion began with a march and ended with a lot of singing and dancing by members of the Caucus, stakeholders and community members who were in attendance.